Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco FFA
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Chapter History

The Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco FFA Chapter was chartered on September 20, 1951. 

American FFA Degree Recipient
This degree of active membership is awarded by the National FFA Organization and is the highest level of active membership which can be achieved within the FFA. This final step in the FFA Degree system encourages members to grow and achieve personally toward establishing yourself in an agricultural career. Members may apply for their American degree only if they have received the State FFA Degree, have graduated from high school at least twelve months prior to the national convention and meet the very high standards for the degree. 

1959 - Elmer Startz

Lonestar FFA Degree Recipients
This is the highest degree of membership the State FFA Association can award.
FFA members may apply to receive the Lone Star Degree only after they have received the Chapter degree. 

 1983 - Jose Noe Trevino Jr.
1983 - Delmo Zarate
1982 - Hector Escobar
1982 - Mack Taplin
1980 - David Munoz
1980 - J.M. Garcia
1978 - Manuel Amador
1978 - Higinio Garcia
1978 - Mike Garza
1978 - Rolando Ramirez
1965 - Jorge Garcia
1965 - Mario Garcia
1961 - Gildardo Garcia
1957 - Elmer Startz
1956 - Gilberto Valdez


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